#! /bin/sh # Rocky 9 compatible # # Author: Ricardas Stoma # Year: 2016 # About: This script uses percona toolkit to update calls/calls_old/rates table without blocking # To alter table calls_old execute script with argument 'calls_old' # To alter table rates execute script with argument 'rates' . /usr/src/m2/framework/bash_functions.sh BACKUP_PATH="/usr/local/m2/backups" PERCONA_LOG="/var/log/m2/percona.log" PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD=`cat /etc/m2/system.conf | grep dbuser | awk '{print $3}'` PERCONA_DB_USERNAME=`cat /etc/m2/system.conf | grep dbuser | awk '{print $3}'` DB_NAME=`cat /etc/m2/system.conf | grep dbname | awk '{print $3}'` DB_HOST=`cat /etc/m2/system.conf | grep dbhost | awk '{print $3}'` ALTER_QUERY="" START_DATE=`date` TABLE=calls FORCE=0 HOSTNAME=`hostname` VERSION="1.1.2" SCRIPT_NAME="Calls table update to v2" add_column() { COLUMN_EXISTS=`/usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" -e "DESC $TABLE" | grep -w "$1" | wc -l` if [ "$COLUMN_EXISTS" == "0" ]; then if [ "$ALTER_QUERY" != "" ]; then ALTER_QUERY="$ALTER_QUERY, ADD $1 $2" else ALTER_QUERY="ADD $1 $2" fi fi } add_index() { INDEX_EXISTS=`/usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" -e "SHOW INDEX IN $TABLE" | awk '{print $3}' | grep -w "$1" | wc -l` if [ "$INDEX_EXISTS" == "0" ]; then if [ "$ALTER_QUERY" != "" ]; then ALTER_QUERY="$ALTER_QUERY, ADD INDEX $1 $2" else ALTER_QUERY="ADD INDEX $1 $2" fi fi } drop_index() { INDEX_EXISTS=`/usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" -e "SHOW INDEX IN $TABLE" | awk '{print $3}' | grep -w "$1" | wc -l` if [ "$INDEX_EXISTS" != "0" ]; then if [ "$ALTER_QUERY" != "" ]; then ALTER_QUERY="$ALTER_QUERY, DROP INDEX $1" else ALTER_QUERY="DROP INDEX $1" fi fi } check_root_mysql_connection() { # Check DB connection for non root user report "Checking MySQL connection" 3 if [ "$DB_HOST" != "localhost" ] && [ "$DB_HOST" != "" ]; then report "This script can only connect to local dabatase! Database hostname from /etc/m2/system.conf is '$DB_HOST'" 1 exit 1 fi /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" -e "use $DB_NAME" &> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then report "Failed to connect to database using these details: /usr/bin/mysql -h $DB_HOST -u $PERCONA_DB_USERNAME --password=$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" 1 exit 1 fi # Check DB connection for root user /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "root" --password="kolmisoft" -e "use $DB_NAME" &> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then report "Failed to connect to database using these details: /usr/bin/mysql -h '$DB_HOST' -u 'root' --password='kolmisoft'" 2 report "Trying to connect without password" 3 /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "root" --password="" -e "use $DB_NAME" &> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then report "Failed to connect to database using these details: /usr/bin/mysql -h '$DB_HOST' -u 'root' --password=''" 1 exit 1 fi fi report "Connected successfully" 0 } check_process_privilege() { # Try query SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS # If user doesn't have PROCESS privilege, this query will fail report "Checking MySQL permissions" 3 /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" -e "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" &> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then report "MySQL user '$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME' doesn't have PROCESS privilege" 2 # Try to fix privileges # In some systems root user doesn't have password /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u 'root' --password='' -e "GRANT PROCESS ON *.* to '$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME'@'$DB_HOST' IDENTIFIED BY '$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD'" &> /dev/null /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u 'root' --password='' -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" &> /dev/null # In other systems root user has password 'kolmisoft' /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u 'root' --password='kolmisoft' -e "GRANT PROCESS ON *.* to '$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME'@'$DB_HOST' IDENTIFIED BY '$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD'" &> /dev/null /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u 'root' --password='kolmisoft' -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" &> /dev/null # Check if privileges ok after fix /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" -e "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" &> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then report "Failed to grant PROCESS privilege to MySQL user '$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME'" 1 exit 1 else report "MySQL privileges fixed" 0 fi fi report "Permissions are correct" 0 } check_replication_connection() { report "Checking replication" 3 REPLICATION_IP=`/usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" -e "show slave status\G" | grep -w 'Master_Host' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'` if [ "$REPLICATION_IP" != "" ]; then report "Found replication database $REPLICATION_IP" 3 # If replication is found, try to connect to it /usr/bin/mysql -h "$REPLICATION_IP" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" -e "use $DB_NAME" &> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then report "Failed to connect to replication database using these details: /usr/bin/mysql -h $REPLICATION_IP -u $PERCONA_DB_USERNAME --password=$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" 1 exit 1 else report "Successfully connected to replication database" 0 fi else report "Replication not detected" 3 fi } ############################################### # PERCONA TABLE UPDATE WITHOUT DOWNTIME # ############################################### k_start k_config_details # v3 check if k_db_field_check "calls" "mos"; then report "It seems calls table is v3. No need to update to v2." 3 k_exit 0 fi # Check arguments for arg in "$@" do # if passed argument is "calls" then switch to calls table if [ "$arg" == "calls" ]; then TABLE=calls fi # if passed argument is "calls_old" then switch to calls_old table if [ "$arg" == "calls_old" ]; then TABLE=calls_old fi # if passed argument is "rates" then switch to rates table if [ "$arg" == "rates" ]; then TABLE=rates fi # if passed argument is "force" then do not ask for confirmation if [ "$arg" == "force" ]; then FORCE=1 fi done # Check if we can connect to mysql check_root_mysql_connection # Check if mysql users has PROCESS privilege check_process_privilege report "Checking if $TABLE table needs update" 3 if [ "$TABLE" == "rates" ]; then # Add new columns add_column "old_id" "BIGINT(20) DEFAULT NULL" add_column "currently_effective" "TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" # Add indexes add_index "old_id_index" "(old_id)" add_index "currently_effective_index" "(currently_effective)" else # Add new columns add_column "pdd" "DECIMAL(30,15) DEFAULT 0" add_column "src_user_id" "INT DEFAULT 0" add_column "terminated_by" "ENUM('unknown', 'originator', 'terminator', 'system') DEFAULT NULL" add_column "answer_time" "TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL" add_column "end_time" "TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL" add_column "originator_codec" "ENUM('unknown', 'G.711 A-law', 'G.711 u-law', 'G.722', 'G.723.1', 'G.726', 'G.729', 'GSM', 'Speex', 'OPUS') DEFAULT NULL" add_column "terminator_codec" "ENUM('unknown', 'G.711 A-law', 'G.711 u-law', 'G.722', 'G.723.1', 'G.726', 'G.729', 'GSM', 'Speex', 'OPUS') DEFAULT NULL" add_column "pai" "VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL" # Drop old indexes drop_index "id" drop_index "id_2" drop_index "id_3" drop_index "src_device_id" drop_index "dst_device_id" drop_index "src" drop_index "provider_id" drop_index "card_id" drop_index "disposition" drop_index "hgcause" drop_index "resellerid" drop_index "did_id" drop_index "uniqueidindex" drop_index "calldateindex" drop_index "dateindex" drop_index "calldate" # Add new indexes #add_index "accountcode_index" "(accountcode)" add_index "src_device_id_index" "(src_device_id)" add_index "dst_device_id_index" "(dst_device_id)" add_index "server_id_index" "(server_id)" add_index "src_index" "(src(6))" add_index "dst_index" "(dst(6))" add_index "localized_dst_index" "(localized_dst(6))" add_index "prefix_index" "(prefix(6))" add_index "provider_id_index" "(provider_id)" add_index "user_id_index" "(user_id)" add_index "disposition_index" "(disposition)" add_index "hangupcause_index" "(hangupcause)" add_index "dst_user_id_index" "(dst_user_id)" add_index "uniqueid_index" "(uniqueid(6))" add_index "calldate_index" "(calldate)" add_index "src_user_id_index" "(src_user_id)" #add_index "originator_codec_index" "(originator_codec)" #add_index "terminator_codec_index" "(terminator_codec)" fi # Check if table update is required if [ "$ALTER_QUERY" == "" ]; then report "$TABLE table is up to date" 0 exit 0 else report "$TABLE table update is needed" 2 if [ "$1" == "CHECK" ]; then exit 0 fi report "Following changes will be applied" 3 echo "" echo "$ALTER_QUERY" echo "" fi # Install percona toolkit /usr/src/k_framework/helpers/percona/percona_install.sh if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then exit 1 fi # Check if replication is present and if we can connect to it check_replication_connection if [ "$FORCE" == "0" ]; then echo "Execute $TABLE update procedure? (y/n)" read -t 60 EXECUTE_PROCEDURE if [ "$EXECUTE_PROCEDURE" != "y" ]; then report "Update procedure was cancelled" 3 exit 0 fi fi if [ "$HOSTNAME" != "dev.kolmisoft.com" ]; then # Make backup (free space is checked while dumping database) dump_db_table "$TABLE" "$BACKUP_PATH" STATUS="$?" if [ "$STATUS" != "0" ] && [ "$STATUS" != "3" ]; then report "Will not proceed percona $TABLE update as backup creation failed" 1 exit 1 fi fi report "Starting $TABLE table update procedure. This may take some time..." 0 # Drop insert_date trigger /usr/bin/mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" --password="$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" $DB_NAME -e "DROP TRIGGER insert_date" &> /dev/null if [ "$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" == "" ]; then PERCONA_PASS_CMD="" else PERCONA_PASS_CMD="--password=$PERCONA_DB_PASSWORD" fi # Do table update pt-online-schema-change --progress=time,30 --execute --print --nocheck-replication-filters --user="$PERCONA_DB_USERNAME" $PERCONA_PASS_CMD --alter "$ALTER_QUERY" D="$DB_NAME",t=$TABLE > $PERCONA_LOG 2>&1 STATUS=`grep -F 'Successfully altered' $PERCONA_LOG | wc -l` report "Script started: $START_DATE" 3 report "Script ended: `date`" 3 if [ "$STATUS" == "1" ]; then report "$TABLE table percona update was successful" 0 m2 reload &> /dev/null else report "Failed to update $TABLE table with percona. You can find DB backup in $BACKUP_PATH" 1 report "Check $PERCONA_LOG for more information" 3 exit 1 fi